Saturday, January 28, 2006

SBA deadline 1 and theory test

Please note the first portion of the SBA (Wordprocessing letters and list of Participants/Presenters) is being marked 28th-31st January. Anyone who has not yet handed in this work can send the finished files by email to Work submitted by Tuesday 31st January will still be marked and returned to students so that grades can be improved. If you have not submitted this work by Tuesday, you can still get a grade as long as it is handed in - but you won't get the chance to improve your grade (the work is not returned to you).

Some students were unaware of the importance of the SBA. You must realise that the SBA is the easiest way to build up a store of marks before you go into the exam. Also, if you DON'T hand in the SBA, CXC will fail you, even if you get A's on the other papers.

On Thursday February 2nd there is a programming test. This counts towards your Session 2 grade. The topics for revision are: Counters, loops (For..Next and Do..While), IF..ENDIF, and Trace Tables. The programming booklet is available on the Italic website at this link: (temporarily unavailable). Also check the programming section of the Longman book.
A prep will be held Wednesday 1st February at lunchtime from 1-1.30pm in Room 20.

Friday, January 20, 2006

SBA and other resources

Now we are into the SBA you will have to organise your work outside of the classroom more thoroughly.

The SBA papers are here for download:

Word Processing:$FILE/Word%20Processing.doc



Help on creating a business letter can be found at (the esl.about site has many more topics that can help you with writing)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Networks and the Internet

The Internet is a Wide Area Network (WAN). True or false??

To find out, check pages 70 - 84 in the Longman Textbook. The summary on Page 82 is very useful, but don't skip descriptions of TCP/IP and IP addresses (p72, 73), Hypertext (p73), Domains (p74), Online applications (p76), FTP (p77), URLs - especially the top of page 80, and Intranets (p82).

Complete Exercise 1, page 83,
1 (a) and (b)
5 (a), (b), (c)
13 (a), (b), (c), (d), (e)


Good luck....

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Homework from Past Paper


1a Using appropriate examples, explain the difference between discrete and continuous data (3 marks)

1b Define the terms "hard copy" and "soft copy" (2 marks)

2a List 2 functions of an operating system (2 marks)

2b i) Give one benefit to the user of custom-written software (1 mark)

ii) Give one benefit to the user of general-purpose "off the shelf" software (1 mark)

2c What do the abbreviations "OMR" and "MICR" stand for? Describe a situation in which EACH is used. (4 marks)