Monday, February 27, 2006

Mock Exam preparation

The practical exam takes place on Monday 6th March 2006, 9-11am.

A revision paper has been handed out - to download the files needed to practice for the exam(s) click here:

You will need Excel, Word and Access on your computer to practice for the exam!

Work through the theory paper before Monday 13th March!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Exam prep and schedule

Theory test Friday 24th February :


Ways in which Information Technology can assist employees in the performance of their jobs (e.g. police, doctors, teachers, musicians etc.)

Difference between intranet and internet. HTTP:, FTP:, URL, email and newsgroups, DOMAIN NAMES (.com, .org, .gov etc. - also what is meant by "" or "")

Jobs in an IT department - what job is done by a network administrator, systems analyst etc.)

Timetable for the last weeks of school:

20-Feb 23-Feb 24-Feb
Theory test
6-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar
13-Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar
20-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar

27-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar
3-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr


24-Apr 27-Apr 28-Apr

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

CXC Theory Syllabus Unit 3 (Year 12)

This Unit seeks to provide students with an awareness of:
(i) (ii)
computer use and the implications of that use; careers in the field of Information Technology.
The students should be able to:
identify and describe appropriate hardware and software to meet the particular needs of a given application;
Variety of computer systems used in commerce, industry, science and technology, education, law, recreation and entertainment with particular reference to the choice of unique hardware and software such as robots, voice synthesizers, videotex, plotters, scanners, expert systems, mainframes, mini and micro computers.
discuss the reasons for the collection, storage and sharing of information in organizations;
Variety of application areas in which information is used as a commodity, for tactical and strategic decision making, as a tool in controlling, monitoring and supervising operations. Problems associated with shared data.
identify and discuss concepts associated with the internet and intranet;
Electronic mail (e-mail), newsgroups, (Internet Relay Chat) IRC, Telnet, (File Transfer Protocol) FTP, (WorldWide Web) WVW, web browser, (HyperText Markup Language) HTML, web page, website
identify and describe measures to secure data;
Passwords, encryption, physical access restrictions, software access restrictions, back-up and recovery, fireproof cabinets, archiving. Virus protection, data corruption.
discuss possible misuse of information;
Privacy, propriety data and software propaganda, computer fraud.

The students should be able to:
6. identify and discuss issues which should be addressed by laws to protect individuals and organizations;
discuss current technological trends;
discuss the impact of Information Technology on job skills and careers;
discuss the roles of various personnel in computer related professions.
Privacy, electronic eavesdropping, industrial espionage, surveillance, storage of inaccurate information.
Expert systems, natural language processing, robots, voice synthesis, laser technology, CADD, CAE, CAM, CAI, telemarketing, teleconferencing desktop publishing, commerce on internet.
Computer skills used by office employees, teachers, engineers, - medical personnel, musicians, mass media personnel, law enforcement personnel, movie industry. Loss of jobs. Retraining. Telecommuting, e-commerce.
Structure of a data processing department. The functions of individuals in computer-related fields such as programmers, systems analysts and designers; operators, managers; systems programmers; database administrators; network managers; data entry and control clerks; librarians; technicians; computer engineers. Jobs in service and support industries: software writers; consultants; data communications specialists; computer trainers; EDP auditors; sales staff.

CXC Theory Syllabus Unit 2 (Year 11-12)

Source code, object code, compiling, executing, interpreting, loading.

This Unit seeks to provide students with an appreciation of the fundamental principles and practices of
Computer Programming.
The students should be able to:
Identify and describe levels of programming languages;
Characteristics of the following classes of languages: Machine level; Assembly level, High level; Fourth generation.
Partition a simple problem into its components;
Develop pseudocode algorithms to solve simple problem;
Identification of sub-processes in a task: input; process; storage; output.
Use of Read, Write, If-then; If-then-else; For loop; while loop; (questions which require nested conditionals or nested loops will not be asked). Use of simple logical operations: <, >; =; <; > =; < >; Problems can include simple arithmetic formulae (e.g. average) involving variables; +., -, * /. Use of simple data types; integer; real, string.
code solution of problem using a programming language;
Use programming language constructs, data type operators and features to code pseudocode algorithm in specific objective 3 above.
construct and use trace table to test algorithms and programs;
Trace table consisting of variable names (identifiers) as column heading and values in the cells, one row for each pass.
test program and algorithms for correctness and make required changes;
Testing, debugging, logic errors, syntax errors, test data, dry-run.
explain the terms associated with running a program.

CXC Theory Syllabus Unit 1 (Year 11)

This Unit seeks to:
to provide students with an introduction to fundamental hardware and software terminology and concepts;
to provide students with hands-on experience of the operation of microcomputer based systems.
The students should be able to:
state the functions of the basic components of all computers and list examples where applicable;
Control unit, ALU, main memory/immediate access storage, backing store/disk storage, peripheral devices.
explain the functions and uses of primary storage devices and media;
Bistable devices, PROM, EPROM, RAM, ROM, byte, kilobyte bit, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, word, wordsize, address, location and address content.
state and compare the characteristics and uses of secondary storage devices and media;
Magnetic tape, floppy disk, rnicro-floppy disk, hard disk (fixed head, moving head, exchangeable), optical disks, Magneto Optical disk, CD, DVD.
explain and use terms associated with backing storage devices and media;
Read/write head, sectors, tracks, buffers, cylinders, access time, sequential access, direct access.
state the characteristics and uses of input devices and media;
Optical mark reader (OMR), character readers (OCR, MICR), mouse, joystick, light-pen, touch terminals, voice data entry (VDE), voice response unit, pads and tablets, point of sale (POS), bar code, keyboard, key-to disk, scanners.
compare the characteristics and functions of output devices and media;
Visual display unit (VDU); resolution, printers,
character, line, page, impact, non-impact, plotters,
voice, microfilm, permanent copy (hard copy), temporary copy (soft copy), speed, print quality, storage capacity, human readable, machine readable.

The student should be able to:
describe how data are stored and manipulated within the computer;
distinguish between systems and application programs;
discuss the difference between generalized and specialised application packages;
10. distinguish between types of user interface;
Binary number, Binary addition, ASCII, discrete and continuous data, parity, conversion of decimal to binary and binary to decimal. Representation of integers (positive and negative); sign and magnitude; two's complement; characters, BCD representation.
11. describe and apply appropriate file management techniques;
12. use the appropriate operating system functions to:
Operating system functions, batch processing systems, on line systems, disk formatting, file management, data transfer, resource management.
(i) (ii)
Application programs, custom-written software, general purpose software; specialized software package, customization of general purpose software.
create a directory/folder; produce a directory listing of files;
prepare a diskette to store data;
copy single files from one diskette to another;
create a backup copy of a diskette;
delete unwanted files;
Command driven, menu driven, HELP facilities, pull- down and pop-up menus, icons. Hardware: touch screens, pivoted monitors, antiglare screen.
Directories, naming of files, labelling of diskettes, storage of files on diskettes, user back-up; user check point.
13. recognize and use the terms commonly associated with data communication;
14. detect and rectify low level problems with the computer hardware.
Point-to-point and broadcast transmission computer network, modem, bandwidth, simplex, duplex, half duplex protocol, local area network, wide area network, up-load, down-load, e-mail, bulletin board, data transfer mode, voice band.
Loose interfacing cables, improperly adjusted monitor controls, changing ribbons/cartridges.

Programming - an important test program

You have covered all of the skills needed to pass the programming test. The following program helps practice all of the skills:

  • Input
  • Loops (where you DON'T know the number of times to repeat at the start)
  • Conditions
  • Sums and Counters
  • Output

Here's the problem:

  • Write a program to ask for a number of prices to be input.
  • The prices should be added up so that a final total can be given at the end.
  • The input of prices should continue until a price of 0 (zero) is entered.
  • At the end, the following should be printed:

Total Price
Average Price
Highest Price
Lowest Price

How to start???

1. I always think it's easier to plan around the "main" idea of the program: input a price.

(These blanks will be filled in after the homework is submitted!)

2. Build the loop around the input. First of all decide whether it is a FOR...NEXT loop or a WHILE...WEND loop (remember to leave spaces so you can add other things inside the loop):

3. Add a counter so you can check the number of prices entered (so you can work out the average price)

4. Add the price to the running total

5. Check if the price is the highest so far

6. Check if the price is the lowest so far

7. Print the total, average, highest and lowest.